Curtains Alterations

Sewing and altering curtains is work that we love and excel at.

Ann's Tailoring Studio, located in Swords, has been providing this service since 2014.

We are grateful to our customers for their trust and always strive to justify it by successfully solving the most challenging tasks.

Our Services

anns tailoring studio swords

Custom Curtains Making

anns tailoring studio swords

Curtains Alteration

Custom Curtains Making

You have to provide the exact size of the curtains, fabric, and lining.

  • French Pleat

    At your choice two-finger or three-finger French pleat
  • Rings

    We provide curtain rings in silver or gold colors for your curtains.
  • Tape

    Usually consists of three rows of string threaded through it, allowing for contraction, and offers three positions for attaching hooks.
  • Cushions

    We provide sewing services for pillowcases of any size, including cushions, window sill pillows, and garden cushions.
Price List
The price depends on factors such as the complexity of the project, size of the item, and the availability of linings.

French Pleat

Size 90''x 90''
From € 300

curtains with rings

Size 90''x 90''
From € 250

curtains with tape

Size 90''x 90''
From € 250


Size 15''x 15''
From € 15

Due to high demand, we kindly request that you schedule an appointment in advance.

The production of new curtains typically takes approximately two weeks. Thank you for your patience.

Curtains Alterations

The price depends on the size of the curtains
curtains alterations


Size 90''x 90''

Without Lining from € 40

With Lining from € 55

curtains with rings


Size 90''x 90''

Change rings to tape € 40
Change tape to rings € 80

change lining for curtains

Size 90''x 90''

Replace lining from € 100

curtains alterations

Size 90''x 90''

Divide by half from € 40
anns tailoring studio swords
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